
Monday, 26 February 2018

If I were Cyclone Gita

If I were Cyclone Gita
If I were cyclone Gita
I would create strong winds to destroy
Farms, coastlines , houses and cities
I would cause power outages and make people stock up on food
and Make them fill with terror .
I would clean the leaves off trees.
I would flood the streets so they would have their own public swimming pool.
For all too soon, I had to go cause more destruction
to another country
And I must plan my next destruction and leave
these people whine over all of my destruction and more.


Monday, 19 February 2018

Toku Pepeha

TOKU Pepeha
Ko Shaye toku ingoa
Ko Duane toku papa
Ko Jenna toku mama
Ko MatukutÅ«reia te maunga
Ko Tanui te waka
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Manukau harbour te moana
Ko Tainui te iwi
Ko Papakura central school toku kura  
No Manurewa ahau
Ko Hukanui Marae 

All about me 2018

My Korowai

This is my Korowai this side represents Me.
Its called my Pepeha 
This is the other side of my Korowai this represents What makes me important,what makes me feel good and what we like to do